Security Patrol Service

Orange Security provides security patrol service to keep the neighborhood away from crime. Mobile Security Patrol (MSP) is a periodic patrolling service and visits to client’s outlet and perform inspection at the premises.

Orange Security is the top and certainly the best choice for professional security patrol service in Malaysia. With the high rate of crimes like theft, robbery, and car break-in in many cities now, Orange Security provides security patrol service to keep the neighborhood away from crime. Mobile Security Patrol (MSP) is a periodic patrolling service and visits to client’s outlet and perform inspection at the premises.

The patrolling activities can be monitored at the Central Monitoring Station. With the use of reliable equipment and facilities such as GPS and Real Time Patrolling Guard Tour Data. With the security patrol, it helps to keep the neighbourhood safe from crime, also, prevent vandalism, theft and trespassers. Besides of that, security patrol helps to provide immediately response to emergency situations if there is any emergency such as fires was detected.

Obviously, with the security patrol in the neighborhood, the criminal rate can be reduced because of the periodic patrolling.

We aim to please by finding the best possible security suppliers from our database of providers to meet your specific requirements.